A downloadable game for macOS

This Game is made by Anthony Delgado, Ryan Farrior, Sebastian Jin, and Zhaoyan Zhu.

Left joystick for moving.

Right joystick for face direction change and shooting.

Control the player to kill the zombie. Zombies' soul will be collected inside the chest.

Control the player to touch the chest and gain the collected soul.

With 50 souls taken by the player, you can control the player to touch the Anubis statue and go to the next level.

You can also use souls to upgrade your moving speed and fire rate. Each upgrade will cost 10 souls taken by the player. 

Be careful: The longer you stay in one level, the stronger the zombies will be for that level.

Survival Mode:

Choose one map. Survive as long as you can. You can't go to the next level in Survival Mode. Treat this mode as a self-challenge.


ZombieSurvivors_IOS 2.zip 194 MB

Development log


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I really like the aesthetic of the game where it is a zombie shooter and a survival game. The game not only has a well-established theme but the setting itself builds this up where the player character has to traverse deserts or forests in order to make it out alive. I also enjoyed being able to upgrade the player's character and I feel like I am getting stronger as I invest more time into the game. With more levels and more unique powerups, this game is definitely worth a shot to put on the app store.

(2 edits)

I like the display on the screens. It was definitely unique from other games in the class. Although the controls on the screen were cool, maybe you could have reduced them a little bit because they do take up a lot of the screen. The game was visually appealing and I liked the color choices. Nice job :)

I like the cartoony look and the way more enemies spawn as time progress. 

If you were to add on I think more levels would always be nice, special enemy types or even a boss wave, and definitely more upgrades.

I love the progressive increase in difficulty of this game, the survival mode, and the upgrades that you can get. I also liked the fact that there are two different joysticks.

One single concern I have is, I saw in the playthrough that one of the bullets that didn't hit the enemy did not get destroyed, but that's just a minor thing.

Overall, great work! :)

I really love the game and the different terrains that you can play through. During the playthrough, it seemed like the spawn point for the zombies was fixed on the player at a certain point, so they kept spawning on top of each other, causing a huge cluster of enemies. I think a big thing with zombie related games is that they can sneak up on you. With the camera view however, you can see all zombies coming at all angles. One game with a similar camera perspective is Project Zomboid, but the zombies are only visible if they are in the players frame of reference (which direction they were standing in). I think that could really add to the gameplay, even if it is a harder setting that the user can select.

I love how much content this game has for a 3D game in the allotted time that was given. It also seems like a game that would be addicting to have if you want to pass time.

I liked how this was a 3d game. This is one of the only 3d games I have seen with this project. I also liked the low poly art style. It makes it feel nice. One suggestion is to change the color of the text so it is easier to read. Also, make the control buttons smaller and add icons to them. Great job overall!

i really loved how the controls in this game are very simple and intuitive. i also really liked how there is an exploration aspect to it. the levels are really nicely split up by color, and the ui is simple yet effective. great work!

I really like the color contrast and the idea of this game! I really enjoyed playing it. I also really like how when you die it gives you your stats so you know what you need to do when you play again to avoid that!

Overall, a lot of fun and really well done!

I like this take on the traditional zombie survival game - the colors are nice, and I enjoy how straightforward/easy the game feels with the UI and assets.

This game has nice UI and a great world set up. I like the color contrast between the environment, the player, and the UI. it feels clean and intuitive. The sound effect of opening chests is a nice touch. I enjoyed this game. 

The game offers multiple scenes which offers a lot of variety for the player, and more variety means more replayability.  The game is simple, and the movement is simple and fluid. The joysticks do seem quite large on the screen, but other than that, the game is solid.

I love the color palette used. The design is captivating. I love the way the "more" button works. I think the pace of the zombies is appropriate. The assets also look really nice.

I would recommend making the joysticks a little bit smaller because they take up a lot of the screen.

I like the concept. I think the survival plus the standard campaign concept is really nice to have. I like how the levels are made. They look really nice and feel really good to go through. Everything feels very cohesive and nothing feels all that much out of place. Overall, really nice job. 

I really liked the concept for this game! I loved how there are different scenes and backgrounds like the forest scene and the desert one. Also the UI for game is really well done and nice and simple. The sprite work for this game is also really nice and cute. Good work guys!

I liked the concept of using the map to locate the chest and the ability to upgrade weapons/character capabilities. The levels were all pretty different but had a similar feel to them which made the game cohesive! It might be helpful to adjust the lighting of the game to be more gloomy/dark to fit the goal of the game. Really well done!

I really like the 3D mode of the game and the design of the desert. One suggestion could be the edge on the screen when the player if approach the edge. I like how the game gave author choices to upgrade the speed as you choose the survival mode .