

First, the game is a complete game and worth playing repeatedly. We designed several levels and each level has a completely different environment and setting. We have desert scene, forest scene, as well as the city scene. We added boundaries to the scene so that the player cannot get out of the scene. The shooting with rotation implemented successfully. The upgrade system worked well, if the player gained enough souls from the zombie, she could use it to increase the movement speed, or increase the fire rate to make her easier to kill zombies. The reset of all UI values after death or entering another level is also successful.


One of the biggest challenge is that the unity collaboration feature was automatically updated, making the team needs to select a new collaboration method. In addition, the original map has some places where the player was assumed by the system to be hitting some uneven rocks that prohibits the player from going deep, but in the players’ eyes there are no barriers exist. We solve this problem by testing the game for few times about places like this and added some invisible platforms to help the player go through them naturally.

Also, because the terrain was bumpy, the player was not able to move without an invisible plane on the terrain. The enemy spawn was challenging, if we don’t set a suitable value to the spawn point, enemies would just initialize outside of the map. Also, decide whether to reset all the value needed a lot of thinking, we needed to control the difficulty of this game.              

We also need to test the difficulty of the game several times to adjust the speed of the enemy as well as the player. In addition, the game needs to be properly bounded so that the player cannot fall down. Another thing we decided to change after many tests are that we found it may be a little bit lost if we make it too open-world so we decided to form a path or a direction for the player in the map.

Some other challenges include we need to frequently check the game between the mobile and the pc platform because we noticed that running smoothly on pc sometimes doesn’t mean it is running good on mobile phones. We need to regularly check the mobile game experience to make sure our game is user-friendly and will not encounter some bugs.

 What We Learned:

Basically, different from other games we made earlier, this game is worth playing for multiple times. During the testing stage, we noticed that making very different scenes will give the player a refreshment in comparison with making several scenes of the same surroundings. In addition, we have the knowledge of how to cooperate more efficiently through unity collaboration and later plasticSCM. We also become more familiar about the coding for the AI as well as the enemies. This game is our first mobile game so we also gain knowledge about how to build the mobile game and test it on PC first. In addition, we also acquire knowledge of coding for enemy AI and coding for the upgrade system which we have never tried before.  We also learned about enemy’s random spawning and implemented a shopping (upgrading) system to our game.

Possible Future Revisions:

  • Added boss system or some puzzles to make the game more playable
  • Each level can have different tasks. We originally decided to have the desert level to be shoot to kill, the forest level to be a maze and the city level to be collect fuels but we didn’t have enough time to do that in our game
  • We can also make some of the levels longer with some other threats like rolling rocks and so on
  • We can also add a different game mode where the player will try to survive as long as he can
  • Add more types of weapons and abilities to the player.

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